Residents Evil 5 is a spin-off installment of the Resident Evil series which was released on equal parts for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows on October 2nd, 2009. This game kept the same concept as previous titles in the series however it featured less zombies with more emphasis on human enemies. The story revolves around Chris Redfield who has been asked to assist in an investigation of mysterious murders. He then finds out that they are related to a number of murders that took place across Europe involving similar patterns set up by Albert Wesker. Other members of his team include Leon Kennedy and Rebecca Chambers along with new hire Ashley Graham. While Resident Evil 5 was marketed as a reboot of the franchise, it still references elements from other titles in the series such as the Umbrella Corporation. It also featured a new control mechanic which was focused on action oriented gameplay, enabling players to take enemies down by shooting them in the head. Resident Evil 5 is set several years after Resident Evil 4 and shortly before Resident Evil: Degeneration. The player will assume the role of the main protagonist, Chris Redfield. The story begins in Africa where he encounters Kate, an African girl who helps him to reach his destination. During the mission, Chris gains entry into a safe house to find fellow rookie Jock. After discovering that he is missing, Chris finds himself in Portugal searching for Kate's cousin Carlos Oliveira. He then encounters an Alpha Team member named J.D. and learns that Carlos was captured by rival Umbrella Corporation forces after losing contact with his sister at a train station not too far from them.. Jock is nowhere to be found..
Resident Evil 5 utilizes a variation of Capcom's new control scheme known as "Screw Attack". Capcom later used this mechanic again in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. This scheme focuses on quick time events and dodging enemy attacks. While players can still take cover, they can't pop out of cover to shoot or perform melee attacks like in previous games. On the other hand, the "Screw Attack" scheme enables players to quickly dodge enemy attacks by spinning away from them and shooting them as they land. Another new feature is an item known as a "Genesis", which is essentially a throwing knife that players can use against enemies and bosses (a la the knife from Resident Evil 4). This throwing knife appears when players are in danger. Afterward, he encounters Piers Nivans, who has been eyeballing him all along. He then realizes that Carlos is being held captive in the desert. He discovers that he has been abducted by Russian mercenaries working with Umbrella Corporation to develop a biological weapon in return for keeping the corporation's existence in check. He is then ordered to go back to Europe in order to locate Chris Redfield along with his team consisting of Leon S. Kennedy and Rebecca Chambers..
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